What is the current process of prescription?

We notice that the current process is very linear, without control and that the health professionals have almost no interactions. The data and the integrity of the prescription is entirely delegated to the patient.
The issue is that it is very difficult to check the integrity of the data. For narcotic prescriptions, the patient might be tempted to increase the dosage because of addiction or drug resale. Moreover, for the patient and for the health professionals, it is very difficult to have a global view of the treatment, which can result in over-medication or cross-medication effects.
The digitized process, secure and even more patient centric

A blockchain is used as a registry of proof of prescription as well as an authenticity checker. The major difference from the current process is that the data is separated from the integrity. This allows the patient to fully control their data and delegate the trust to a blockchain that is accessible by healthcare professionals.
It is very important to note that no sensitive data is stored in the blockchain. On the contrary, the patient decides where they want to store their prescription data. Whether it is in their secure mobile application, their own cloud or their Electronic Patient Dossier, our system is agnostic of the chosen storage.
Our prototype also introduces automatic prescription renewal, prescription authenticity checks and information to inform the doctor about the status of his patients treatment.
Kilian Low
Senior Engineer
Kilian Low, our Senior Engineer